How EPC is organized

Elizabeth Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

For information on the national PCUSA organization, click here.

For information on our local presbytery, the Presbytery of Denver, click here.

Elizabeth Presbyterian Church is carefully and intentionally organized to fulfill its stated purpose: Helping people meet and walk with Jesus.

Through prayerful consideration of the elected leadership of EPC, it has been discerned there are three main ways the church is called to fulfill its purpose.

Transformation:  Helping people experience Jesus personally and become more like Him
     Community:  Loving and caring for one another, as Jesus loves and cares for us
          Outreach:  Reaching out with the compassion of Jesus to our community and the world

To achieve these goals, the work of the church is divided into ten key areas of responsibility, each with a staff member or elected leader who is accountable for that area. To see the EPC organizational chart, click here.

Pastor, Head of Staff

Deacon Ministries

Ministry Leadership

Building & Grounds

Finance & Generosity

Christian Formation

Communication & Outreach

Church Events


Elected leaders in the church include elders and deacons.

Elders - It is the duty of elders, individually and jointly, to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge. Together with the ministers of the Word and Sacrament, they are chosen by the people to exercise leadership, government, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a particular church as well as the church at large. They serve faithfully as members of the session. Current Elders are: Mike Baggett, Allyn Bader Barclay, Barb Batt, John Bussie, Clark Hagan, and Marilyn Travis.

Deacons - The office of deacon, as set forth in Scripture, is one of sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ.  Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound judgment are chosen for this office.  It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress, both within and beyond the community of faith. Current Deacons are: Julie Baggett (moderator), Pam Banta, Bill Bennett, Bobi Besant, Bonnie Franken, Patricia Mersich, Barbara Osmer, Debbie Vieweg, and Denise Wanzeck.