Elizabeth Food Bank is an outreach of Elizabeth Presbyterian Church in partnership with Elizabeth United Methodists,
Peace in Christ Episcopal Lutheran Ministry and other groups wishing to see that no person or family in the Elizabeth area goes hungry.
The food bank is self sufficient; it does not rely any government agency. Over its 30 plus years of operation it has relied only on the generosity of our community – the individuals, businesses, schools, civic organizations and churches of every denomination that have contributed all the food, money and volunteers necessary to meet the needs of struggling families.
Open Fridays 12:30 to 3 pm
Saturdays 9 to 11:30 am
381 South Banner Street
This service is available for anyone who lacks the resources to feed their families. Come to the back door of the house at 381 South Banner Street in Elizabeth during the hours listed above. There will be people there to help you.
Financial contributions can be made by writing a check to Elizabeth Food Bank and mailing it to the address below.
Elizabeth Food Bank
PO Box 117
Elizabeth CO 80107
Food donations are welcome during normal Food Bank hours, or by calling Susan at 303-807-1900 to arrange another time. Please do not leave food at the door unless it is within one hour of the Food Bank opening.