
All that we have is a gift from God, and one way we participate in God's work is through the generous sharing of our financial resources.

At EPC, we give 10% of our general offerings to missions working in our region and around the world (click here for more on the missions we support). We depend on God and your generous giving to make this happen in addition to covering the staffing and operating costs of EPC.

There are four ways you can contribute to the work and ministries of EPC. Each way is spelled out below.

Online Giving

You can give to EPC online, using your credit card or electronic transfers from your bank account. And you can do it safely and securely, through the Presbyterian Mission Exchange, a service of the Presbyterian Foundation.

Just click on the MAKE A DONATION > button below and follow the simple, clear instructions for making a one-time or recurring gift.

At the top of the form, you will need to select the fund to which you would like to donate. For most donations you should select the General Fund. If you wish to donate to the New Building Fund or the Deacons Fund, you will need to make a separate transaction and select one of those funds.

Every donation will be acknowledged by a receipt sent to your email address by the foundation. It is recommended that you save these email receipts for your tax records.

Please note that the Presbyterian Foundation assesses a fee on all gifts to cover its reasonable and customary costs of operation. The fee can change, but it is currently set at 2%. There are no additional fees for debit or credit cards.

The full amount of your online donations, as recorded in your email receipts, is tax deductible. However, the church will receive only that amount less applicable fees. So, on the statements you receive from the church, only the net amount will be shown.

Finally, donations to our church made through the Presbyterian Foundation will not be included in the year-end giving statement you receive from our treasurer, as that would result in a double receipting of those online gifts. So please keep your email receipts from the Foundation and add them to your year-end giving statement when you do your taxes.

Your bank's "bill-pay" service

Even though your donation to EPC isn't technically a "bill," you can still set it up to have your bank send one-time or recurring gifts to EPC. Here are some guidelines to help you get this set up with your bank.

1. Follow the directions on your bank's website to set up a new bill or payee

2. If given a choice, choose to pay a company rather than a person

3. In the space for "Company Name" enter: Elizabeth Presbyterian Church

4. In the space for "Company Address" enter:

PO Box 117

Elizabeth, CO 80107

5. In the space for "Company Phone Number" enter: 303-646-4825

6. In the space for "Account Number" enter your first initial and your last name, for example: DBAUERLE

7. After you have set up Elizabeth Presbyterian Church as a biller, it is added to your list of bills or payees and you can select it at any time and enter a payment amount and a payment date

8. You will also have the option of setting up automatic or recurring payments (this adds greater convenience but is not recommended if there is a risk of overdrawing from your account)

Bill Pay is usually a free service of your checking account, but some banks charge a monthly fee for their bill pay service which can be waived depending on account balance, etc.

The church is not charged any fees for receiving a donation through your bank’s bill pay service, so what you donate is what will appear on your quarterly and annual giving statements.

Generally, all donations are designated for the General Fund which covers the operating expenses of the church and which funds our 10% giving to the mission organizations we have partnered with as a church.

If you wish to designate all or a portion of your donation in any other way, you can type instructions in the "note" section when setting up the payment. Options for designating include:

•New Building Fund (for new EPC facilities to be built in the future)

•Building Repair Fund (to help maintain and improve existing EPC facilities)

•Deacons Fund (among other things, helps needy families in the church and in the community with utility bills, etc.)

Checks or cash: the old-fashioned way

Yes. The church still accepts cash, though we recommend writing a check so our bookkeeper can send you statements and you can keep a record of your giving for tax purposes.

When you write a check, it should be made out to Elizabeth Presbyterian Church. If you don't make any specific designations on the memo line, then the entire amount of your check will go into the EPC general fund and be used to cover staffing and operating costs of the church as well as help fund our support for outside missions.

If you are mailing your check, please send to:

Elizabeth Presbyterian Church

PO Box 117

Elizabeth CO 80107

If you like, you can designate all or a portion of the total of your check by writing on the memo line. For instance, you can designate an amount to any of the following:

•New Building Fund (for new facilities to be built in the future)

•Building Repair Fund (to help maintain and improve existing facilities)

•Deacons Fund (which among other things, helps needy families in the church and in the community with utility bills, etc.)

Legacy Giving

There are many ways you can plan your estate to make an enduring statement of faith with gifts to your church. To learn more about charitable trusts, gift annuities, bequests and other ways to build a lasting financial legacy, please send your name and contact information to