And for the latest news on what's going on at EPC, click on the NEWS AND NOTES icon
or visit our calendar page.
Please join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 5 p.m.
Additional information is on our Calendar & Events page ~ click here.
Be with us live, or be with us live stream,
whatever works best for you on any given Sunday.
We just hope you'll be with us!
View the service as it happens by clicking the THIS WEEK'S LIVE STREAM icon below.
The camera is on early, and the service starts promptly at 9 a.m every Sunday morning.
Or, if you want to
watch the service at your convenience any time during the week,
just click the PREVIOUS ONLINE SERVICES icon.
And for the latest news on what's going on at EPC, click on the NEWS AND NOTES icon
or visit our calendar page.
Elizabeth Food Bank
Anyone in need is invited to visit the Elizabeth Food Bank during the hours below.
Food donations are welcome during those hours, as well. More information at this link.
Food Bank hours: Fridays 12:30 to 3 p.m. and Saturdays 9 to 11:30 a.m.
For location and more information about the Elizabeth Food Bank, click here.